Google Feud

Game information

Game title: Google Feud
How often do you use Google? And how well do you really know it? This game will show! Choose one of the categories and try to complete the phrase to fit the most frequent queries people search for. You can check your knowledge of popular culture by completing the names of famous songs and TV shows, celebrity surnames and memes. Or you can test your intuition and try to guess the ending of the most frequently asked questions while googling. You have three shots that will grant you a certain amount of points depending on the position of the right answer in Google ranking. Play Google Feud alone or compete with friends to find out who is most familiar with the world of the internet! The game doesn’t require any special skills and can be played anywhere for any amount of time. You can get stuck in it for a whole evening or while away a few minutes when you have nothing to do. It’s highly entertaining and educative! You will be surprised by some of the things people ask Google about! Perhaps you’ll even recognize some of your own search queries… Some of them might also arouse your interest and send you googling to find out the answer. But no cheating! Answer first, google later! Let’s see how many points you’ll score!