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The Escapists 3

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Game information

Game title: The Escapists 3

Category: Service , Boys Games
Game description:

If you enjoyed playing Minecraft and The Escapists 1 & 2, 3 then you surely can’t miss the new modification for Minecraft that allows playing on the map straight from The Escapists 2. This is a high-quality map with plenty of details that resemble the original map from The Escapists’ sequel. Playing it feels very realistic, at least, according to multiple video bloggers who specialize in Minecraft modes. Your main task in The Escapists 2: Minecraft is to escape the prison. Compared to the first mod’s map this one is more detailed and vaster to explore. The prison rules and guards become tougher so it will be very challenging to escape it. The thing is that the prison is located in the middle of a desert. It has 8 levels including a cafeteria, gym, showers, and cells. Fulfill tasks to become smarter and richer for the successful prison escape!
