The Long Dark

Game information

Game title: The Long Dark
The world after a huge catastrophe is a tough place. The best implementation of this classical fable finds itself in the survival games. The title The Long Dark Redux might be one of the most atmospheric of this type. Indeed, everything pinpoints the wildness of the environment here – the beautiful landscapes, all snowy and gloomy, the soundtrack, and the 1st person perspective. It gives gamers a sense of reality, especially taking into account the dramatic narration that stands behind the marvelous outlook. It is so easy to relate to the characters that have a story behind their actions and really outlive the game instead of just enjoying and fantasizing while you play. The global disaster turned the world to an icy place, but a main hero’s destiny suffers from a personal disaster, which unwraps itself on the background. The aim is to stay alive in a very dangerous conditions, where finding food is extremely difficult and the weather conditions put a scare for your life and health. Hunt the wild animals and keep your body warm, because this is your only chance to stay alive. There are various modes present here, so you are encouraged to play them one by one.