Avakin Life Hack

Game information

Game title: Avakin Life Hack
Lockwood Publishing, the company behind a popular title Avakin Life, and Cybersmile proceed their cooperation after making a successful giving campaign. The deal was made in December 2016. At that time, players of Avakin Life were encouraged to donate for Cybersmile’s project when buying T-shirts with a sign “#POSITIVITY”. This T-shirt is just fine for the Avakin game, since it is really positive-working. Players took the offer just well and the company decided that POSITIVITY T-shirts are here to stay. Therefore, Avakin fans can still get one of such T-shirts for their characters and support the idea of positive online communication for everyone. Lockwood’s founder Joel Kemp says that their team is glad to continue cooperation with Cybersmile and spread the positive mood among Internet users. While the Cybersmile CEO says that their company is glad and thankful that Lockwood wants to keep the T-shirts inside the game.
If you are not familiar with the title mentioned above, Avakin Life is a 3D game where players can create their own characters and their apartments, socializing with others and partying. The great thing about the world presented in this game is that it is pretty large and manifold. The players can get about numerous locations, furnish apartments, invite friends over, arrange parties, travel to any place of their choice, and simply enjoy communication. Like many other gaming companies, Lockwood does everything to ensure positive playing experience and decrease the level of abuse among the Internet users from all over the globe.