Dude Theft Wars

Game information

Game title: Dude Theft Wars
Hey, what do you know about the life of dudes? You have a chance to find out literally everything because an entire Dude-o-polis is right in front of you! When you are a dude who lives just like an ordinary dude, there is nothing to boast about. But when you move to the entire city of awesome dudes just like you… the real fun begins. What is so special about it? Well, everything. You can sit in anyone’s car, go anywhere, get cash, but some guns, fight with others, make nasty things, and even become a real bandit. Dudes have a freedom of choice, you know. That’s it, you can annoy all those silly people around you, travel across the city and discover amazing houses and places, or just sit on the sofa watching at the screen of your phone. In fact, the main aim of the game about dudes is to enjoy your amazing day in any way you want. Nobody can control you and tell you what to do. You can do anything. The options are vast. You can go to a supermarket and buy some food or shoot into the neighbor’s house. You may have a polite conversation with anyone or steal their money and buy yourself a gun. You can go as crazy as you can and even become a Mafiosi to start a large gun-battle in the middle of the street one sunny day. So it is up to you to decide what kind of a dude you want to be. You may be a boring ordinary one, who lives in his house, reads the newspapers, and goes shopping every Sunday. Or you can do any bizarre thing that can come to your mind – shooting, stealing, exploding, trolling, and even dancing.