Kick Buddy 2

Game information

Game title: Kick Buddy 2
When you are overwhelmed with stress and negative emotions, there is a need to let them out. However, nobody wants to harm and abuse people around, therefore people have made up thousands of relievers. One of the best relievers surely is a video game, where you have someone to kick, smash, beat, and even kill. Why not? Everything is better than accumulating your anger inside of your head and them pouring it on somebody you never wanted to hurt. Well, if you like when violence is combined with humor and fun and looks more like something silly than shocking and painful, then this title if made for you. Kick the Buddy is an ultimate tool that will help you have a relax after a hard day, when your boss has pissed you out.
Here you have got a funny doll and a huge arsenal of weapons to torture it in any way you can imagine. Knifes, guns, and bombs of all types and kinds are present. Use them until you get the doll dead. Sounds like not so amusing? Just try it first! The best thing is that there is no blood or any other shocking content here, however, Buddy is an alive doll, who seems to have feelings and even perceives pain (or maybe he is just pretending to). You can use the tools you have there to make him suffer and all in all you can totally destroy him. When you overdo with torturing Buddy, he might die. For example, blowing him up will tear him apart and he will disappear. Well, that’ okay if you do this – he will come back very soon with that stupid smile on his face, so you will continue hurting him any way you prefer. Some parents say that this game is violent for kids, so they are not recommended to play it. However, you will hardly see any real scenes of violence there. This way, you can say that somebody who crushes his cell phone or throws an armchair out of the window performs a violent act. Dolls can be tortured anyhow! Your successful torturing sessions will be rewarded with gold and in-game currency, so you can spend it for new weapons, clothes, etc. Torture better to do it with more taste!