Roblox Magnet Simulator
Game information
Game title: Roblox Magnet Simulator
Most people think that one needs to work hard to receive money. You have to build a career, develop your skills, grow as a professional, and get higher up the social ladder. Indeed, this is how it really works in the real life. You will hardly become rich if you don’t apply serious efforts to it (or if you don’t have a millionaire-grandpa living somewhere on Panama). However, we love digital worlds because they allow us to forget about this seriousness and adultness at least for a while. In this game called Magnet Simulator, you will gather golden coins in a very easy way. Just take a large magnet to your hands and make them come near to you! That’s great – you just hold a magnet and money fly to your hands from all parts of the level. Then you can take these coins and exchange them to in-game cash. With the help of that cash you will buy yourself some useful things to improve your progress.