Freddy Ultimate Custom Night

Game information

Game title: Freddy Ultimate Custom Night
Events at Freddy’s Pizza House gain heat. Now you are about to face all 50 of the evil animatronics that ever showed up in FNAF games. There are many varieties of them, from well-known characters to their different modifications with special abilities, but also weak spots that you can use in fighting them. You can set up the level of each character’s difficulty to configure how challenging the game will be. The higher this level is the more intelligence is added to the monster’s behavior increasing his chances and diminishing yours.
However, developers didn’t leave you unarmed. This time you are going to control a whole pack of various devices that will give you a certain edge over the crowd of hungry animatronics. Like before, you will be able to watch them move around the building through the monitors and control both the lights and the doors to prevent them from spreading too far. But now you will also have to keep an eye on the air vents and set traps for your enemies there. Besides, you can control temperature in the restaurant (some dolls move slower when it’s cold) and produce various noises either attracting them to a certain part of the pizzeria or keeping them busy where they are at the moment.
Another part of the amusement is the ability to buy different stuff from the prize counter. This can be done if you gather enough Faz-Coins given for completing the missions. You can spend them to change the look of your office or expanding the range of available appliances to better protect yourself. Your horror adventure is about to begin!