Mortal Kombat 11

Game information

Game title: Mortal Kombat 11
For most gamers, and especially for those who are fond of fighting titles, Mortal Kombat is truly iconic. It is hard to find a title of that genre that can boast of being a real masterpiece just like MK is. A great range of characters, each unique and has his or her own story, amazing design, incredible techniques combined with magic and a thought-out world, where everything happens. From the very first parts of this famous series, it became clear that no other title of that genre can ever beat Mortal Kombat when it comes to realism and a level of violence and blood. As you may know, the very first parts look truly amazing and characters move very naturally there, despite the fact that technologies were weak at that time. Here is the trick: the developers invited real actors and used their movements to create digital figures of characters, that is why they look that great. MK is well-known for some unique features, as special combinations of buttons that allow you to perform super-attacks, including Fatality and Brutality. What is more, this legendary game became a really fruitful basis for numerous movies, where you can meet your favorite characters as if they were real people. By the way, today’s graphics are so amazing that they allow you almost the same. The XI part of the series features numerous zooms and camera twists, so you are guaranteed to see every move and every drop of blood.
The history of MK’s world can compete with ancient epos. Characters of different parts have to fight in various worlds and realities, deciding the destinies of the worlds. By the way, there are about 100 original heroes invented by the developers. Each new part of the series brought new locations, characters, conflicts, and plots. The 11thpart of a great saga is already on the run today. It has numerous updates that makes it still classic and well-known, but seriously improved one. As you might have already seen in the trailer, this one is going to be really bloody, maybe the bloodiest in the entire list. Be ready that combats here will be very energetic, smart, and violent. However, you will still have a lot of fun, like any time before when you have launched a fighting title in the company of your fellows. Guess what? We have something special for you here. You can enjoy this amazing title right here, on this website and you don’t have to pay a penny for it. It’s free!