Donut County 2

Game information

Game title: Donut County 2
The real catastrophe is unwrapping in the middle of Los Angeles: little evil raccoons are trying to steal all the trash in the universe and ruin the city. Actually, they are stealing everything besides the trash, too. To embody their diabolic plans, they have created a large hole that grows all the time. Buildings, trees, coffee shops, cars, people, and animals – the hole swallows everything that appears on the streets and becomes bigger with every new absorbed object. You may be wondering, what is your role in this game? Well, you are on the same side as the greedy raccoons, controlling the disaster. Get ready for a catharsis in the end of the game – developers did everything to let you feel how wrong and ignorant you and your raccoons were! Your unlawful actions will lead to really bad consequences. The logic is pretty existential and simple – once you want the entire world to fall into a large and dark hole, get ready to share this destiny. As one of the raccoons, you are using the remote controller to make the hole bigger and one fine day you fall into the cold and dark under-earth emptiness.